Homes with wrap-around supports for adults who are integrating into the community and moving away from criminal behaviour.
Housing is often the single biggest barrier for people coming out of the institution. In one 2009 Canadian study, 80% of released individuals reported being homeless at some time in the previous six months or since being released from prison; 43% reported that, since being released from jail, they had found it difficult finding a place to stay at least once a week; and 34% said homelessness was a problem they faced every day.
The Calgary John Howard Society (CJHS) provides a variety of housing for adults who are making positive changes and moving away from criminal behaviour. Our staff provide wrap-around support services based on their individual needs so they can positively reintegrate into society, and break the cycle of homelessness and crime.
With a home, job prospects and skills for living in mainstream society, it is much less likely an individual will reoffend. This ultimately creates safer communities by giving individuals the tools to be responsible, contributing members.
Bedford House & Berkana House
- Community-based residential facilities that provide transitional housing and support for 32 men (Bedford House) and 10 women (Berkana House) integrating back into society after incarceration
- Supports reintegration back into community from correctional institutions for adults on conditional release.
- Staff are on-site 24/7 at residences to provide support and supervision.
- Residents are provided with wrap-around supports to increase their ability to successfully reintegrate back into community – employment and educational programs, life skills, counseling, and more.
- Residents are referred by Correctional Services Canada.
Adult Housing Reintegration Program (AHRP)
- Independent housing throughout Calgary (scattered-site) for 40 adults experiencing chronic and episodic homelessness and have active and/or history of criminal involvement
- Wrap-around case management support through caseworkers and an occupational therapist
- Help with access to employment; skill development opportunities; educational opportunities; mental health & addiction support; financial support; and referral
To apply for adult housing programs, including AHRP, visit SORCe (317 – 7th Ave. SW) for an assessment.
Stable, permanent home gave Michael the chance to start over
It wasn’t long ago that Michael was battling his own addictions. Now, thanks in part to the home he found through one of CJHS’s housing programs, he’s able to use his lived experience to help others as a support and outreach worker.