National John Howard Society Awards

Lacey Leibel, manger of our women’s residence, was honoured with the Humanitarian Service Award in November 2019.

Each year, staff and volunteers at John Howard Societies across the country are nominated and recognized for the outstanding contribution they have made to their communities in terms of restorative justice, crime prevention and making communities safer.

In November 2019, Lacey Leibel, the manger of our women’s residence, was honoured with the Humanitarian Service Award for her work in improving the lives of women who are integrating into the community after spending time in prison.

James Clark, a board member at CJHS from 2004-2013 (five years of which he served as board chair) also received the Community Service Award for his commitment to making Calgary safer. James was instrumental in the relocation of our original Bedford House after it was expropriated by the City of Calgary for the expansion of Stampede Park. It was a 15-year journey but CJHS finally opened the new Bedford House in July 2019.

Thank you Lacey and James!

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